Category Archives: screwdrivers

Advantages of a screwdriver antenna

Antennas are around for decades. People used antennas for radio communications. Usually, the inductors and capacitors are tuned by an electric motor. The technology of direct or conjugate tuning of an antenna by a motorized tuner has been around for a long period of time. Don Johnson and Ben Herr were experimenting in 1991 with tuning a mobile antenna. They come up with the idea that an electric screwdriver would be a great drive mechanism for that kind of antenna. Don liked the idea and designed a type of mobile antenna that uses a modified motor of an electric screwdriver which is placed in the antenna’s lower part. That’s why the antenna’s lower part had to be constructed of tubing with a large diameter. This enhances the antenna’s radiation efficiency to a great extent. These types of antennas are called screwdriver antennas.

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A screwdriver antenna is a lot more convenient than a commercial antenna. It has two major advantages. The first advantage is operating convenience. The tuning is made with a simple push button even at highway speed from the comfort of your driver’s seat. You do not have to stop the car, get out, change resonators, or adjust stingers in the antenna top. The second advantage is the high radiation efficiency. There are a lot of articles and discussions about this type of antenna and how to build it on your own. They may be very expensive if you want to buy one, but there is always the possibility of building one.

Yankee Screwdriver

The screwdriver is a tool that is very helpful for many reasons. Screwdrivers were invented a long time ago and they have been very functional until today. Nevertheless, with the passing of time everything has changed and the need for more improved screwdrivers has appeared. In certain conditions, the normal screwdrivers are useless and for that reason people have invented a spiral or ratchet screwdriver. It is a manual tool which is easy to use like the rest of the previously designed screwdrivers. The main thing which is special about this type of screwdriver is the fact that they have a mechanism that’s specifically designed to turn the pressure exerted by the hand into rotation motion. This type of screwdriver is called Yankee screwdriver – a name that was first mentioned in 1899 by North Brother Manufacturing Company. It is famous among people because is very easy to handle.

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Although there is a list of advantages from this screwdriver, there are also some disadvantages. One negative thing connected with it is that if the screwdriver slips up or if it is dislocated, certain damage can be done on the work piece. This type of a screwdriver was manufactured by the famous British company known as Stanley for years, but now the manufacturing process has been relocated in Germany. The new manufacturer has improved the screwdriver’s design and enhanced its performance. Nowadays, Yankee is a brand name known by the screwdriver users all over the world. This tool can be found on every continent and the price depends on the model and shipping fees.

Robertson Screwdriver

A: Mario

The story of Robertson and his invention began in 1908. It started when Robinson had an adverse experience with the existing screwdrivers. While using some of the old screwdrivers, he sustained a tough injury on his hand. When he tried to solve his problem with the hand that remained in a good condition, an effort which was difficult at that time, he figured out that he can do it with a new type of screwdriver. Thus, a new screwdriver was invented. It is named after its inventor and it was his first patent in 1909. Robertson’s invention, or simply known as the Robertson screwdriver, has a totally different look from all other screwdrivers. The main thing which makes this tool so special is its square protrusion, as well as the screw which has a socked shape in form of a square. The tool can be easily fitted in the screw socket and this makes the process of screwing very easy. It helps the users in situations when one-hand screwing is required.

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The chances of slipping out are reduced. From a financial view, Robertson invention was a big shot. The competition was also undoubtedly successful, but the screwdriver type that was invented by Robertson was really the most ‘clever’ one. Everyone wanted to possess this type of tool and that is why it became the most commonly used screwdriver in that time. Today, Robertson is one of the most famous screwdriver manufacturers that produces high quality products and supplies most of the countries around the world with hardware tools. There is also an official website which provides the costumers with adequate online service. They can search, preview and order all products from the manufacturer that are available at the moment.